“Architecture aims at Eternity”
This quote stirs up the happy in my soul! Sir Wren was speaking specifically about his passion, the implementation of one’s design will last even after one has departed. Many will behold it’s beauty and or usefulness. Some will study in awe with hopes to create amazing structures for which others will admire and consider! And so the cycle continues. This is such a rich aim that could easily be applied to many professions, and ultimately life! For instance, my creative yet spiritual mind naturally parallels his statement to Philippians 3:14:
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Granted my interpretation may be quite different than its true intended meaning, but one thing remains: The goal has been set and the aim is high!
St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Sir Wren Architect.
In my quest to “aim at eternity” I was presented with this quote from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:
“To begin with the end in mind is to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are in the right direction.”
My goal was set prior to the start of my business journey. Out of it came a strong desire to help make a positive difference in the lives of people. For me, The Builders’ Keep is just one step towards that ultimate goal. Mind you, a huge and scary step (containing tiny, scary steps). But one I’ve willingly taken considering it’s glorious end! In my head, many are winning with just one goal! I love a good win-win!
This mindset “beginning with the end in mind” can also hedge against any opposition you may face in life and in your practice. For example, one concern architects face is lack of appreciation. Many clients can’t see the value in the services you offer and will either undermine it or walk away. This could easily cripple one’s drive, but when you reflect on your ultimate goal, it enables you to push past the opposition to discover ways to either help them see it or find others who will. It all starts with one goal!
Where are you going? What are you trying to accomplish? What’s your why? These questions when answered will ignite your steps to move soundly toward that direction. Let’s continue to build! I’d be happy to hear your goals and aspirations! Perhaps even help you along the way!